
We had a visit from Paul from  SASRA.  You can watch his interview here.

Soldiers Airmen Scripture Readers Association Talk  (SASRA) – 07.08.22


John and Hazel Matthew have given us their accounts of their time as missionaries in Brazil

Hazels presentation of their time in Brazil

Johns talk on their time in Brazil



Bake Through the Bible


Based on the brilliant “Bake through the bible at Christmas” book (Susie Bentley-Taylor & bekah Moore), join Rhoda and Rachel as they start in the old testament to see how God planned to send His Son, Jesus, into the world and what happened when He arrived. They’ll be baking, doing a little bit of singing and other fun stuff like memory verses!


Samaritans Purse Shoeboxes

We collect items and make up shoeboxes for Samaritans Purse all year round.  Thousands of children are gifted  boxes each year in many countries across the world and are also offered the opportunity to learn more about Jesus Christ by taking part in a bible course. 

If you would like to donate any gifts towards boxes or make up a complete shoebox, please hand in to any of our events.

Click on the link below to find out more information.

Operation Christmas Child (

Operation Christmas Child

We recently filled 74 shoeboxes which have been sent to Ukraine.  Many thanks to all who contributed and helped make up the boxes.